CO2 neutral shipping
Avoid - Reduce - Compensate.
As a multichannel company, our online store is a key business area. We have set ourselves the goal of moving forward ambitiously and delivering orders in a CO2-neutral manner. However, the CO2 emissions generated during shipping are currently still unavoidable. To make an active contribution to climate protection, we therefore offset these CO2 emissions by investing in high-quality climate protection projects.
Why compensation?
Compensation should and can only accompany the reduction of avoidable emissions, not replace it. Offsetting - also known as compensation - only comes into consideration for us if CO2 emissions cannot (or not yet) be avoided. With offsetting, the added value for the environment comes from the voluntary financial support of carbon offset projects that would be less efficient without this additional income.
How does CO2 compensation work?
The principle of CO2 neutrality is based on the approach of a worldwide climate balance: greenhouse gases have a global damaging effect. For climate protection, it is therefore irrelevant where emissions occur and where they are avoided. This results in the possibility of offsetting unavoidable emissions by additional climate protection measures elsewhere in the world.
Which emissions do we compensate for?
We offset the following emissions from shipping online store orders:
- CO2 emissions resulting from shipments sent centrally from our goods service center to customers
- CO2 emissions caused by the transport of the returned goods back to us
Which carbon offset projects do we support?
To offset our unavoidable emissions, we have set high standards and selected a carbon offset project based on its benefits for the environment as well as for local communities.
To offset our shipping emissions from online store orders, we are currently supporting a run-of-river hydropower plant in India, together with our partner First Climate: hydropower is a significant source of renewable energy worldwide. By reducing CO2 emissions, it makes a significant contribution to climate protection. At the same time, hydropower reduces the need for conventional energy sources, reduces dependence on fossil and nuclear fuels, and serves to improve security of supply.
5.000 for 2023